Books to Inspire Your Wanderlust

I love books. I love reading about the places I travel to. Novels. History books. Travel memoirs. Politics. Financial scandals. I think it’s the best way to get to know a place in depth. When you read about a country, whether it’s a novel or a history book, you experience a place different from those who haven’t. You know the stories behind a place, and thus, it makes your experience so much more meaningful and enjoyable.

There are lots of books out there. Some are better than others. Some are just a waste of time. Like mine, your money doesn’t grow on trees. So, my book lists will tell you which ones to buy or borrow and which ones to skip. Hopefully, I can save you some time and money.

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Books on Asia

Books on Central and South America

Books on Europe

Books for the Curious Traveler

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